According to Kim

These things only happen to me

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In-case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t blogged in a couple days and here’s why …

When I got home from work on Tuesday I had some things to do like go to Target, etc.  I took my dog Sadie out before leaving, no big deal right?  Sadie is a six year old lab/shep mix who hasn’t settled down yet and loves furry animals big and small.  When she sees a rabbit or squirrel she gets all excited and just can’t control herself.  Usually she’s on the inside looking out when this happens and will bark and run from window to window to see where the little creature is going next.  This was not the case Tuesday afternoon.  Sadie, while on her leash with me on the opposite end, saw something in the wooded area next to my house and off she went.  Off I went, in heels.  You see, I can’t let her get loose because she will take full advantage and would not return for a half hour.  She ran and I ran until I saw the tree coming towards me.  OK, I was heading towards the tree, either way it wasn’t going to be good for one of us.  So I thought to myself ‘just put your hand out and you’ll stop and the dog will stop’.  WHAM …I stopped, Sadie kept going.

Mortified, I quickly looked around.  Did anyone just see what had happened?  I just ran right into a tree!  My hand didn’t soften the blow, it slipped and I hit that tree dead on and bounced back.  This startled me a bit and I had to catch my breath.  I went back in the house and told my daughter what happened.  Laughing hysterically, I kept saying ‘I just ran into a tree’.  It happened in slow motion and was very cartoon-like, just funny as hell (until the pain set in). 

Yes, I still went to Target and the evening ended with an ER visit.  Not to worry, nothing is broken, just a bad sprain.  My hand is all wrapped up and I’m typing single handedly (spell check doesn’t like this word).  Oh and my daughter ended up having to chase down the dog 🙂

Written by Kim

November 1, 2007 at 10:11 am

2 Responses

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  1. Oh my word!!! Thank goodness you weren’t seriously hurt!!!
    No treats for that dog for awhile, hu?
    God bless.


    November 3, 2007 at 4:42 am

  2. Blaaaaargh! Cmon, that was awful….

    that’s why I just have a cat.

    (They don’t make run into a tree).

    see ya sweetie!


    November 6, 2007 at 11:51 pm

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